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The figurative jewel in the crown that is the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain at Piccadilly, Anteros so popularly and for so long mistaken as his frivolous tyrant of a brother, Eros, that many think he may as well be symbolises the selfless, philanthropic love of the Earl for the poor, commemorating in particular his achievement in replacing child-labour with school education. Gilbert wrote about the bronze actually aluminium of ‘blindfolded Love sending forth indiscriminately, yet with purpose, his missile of kindness, always with the swiftness the bird has from its wings’.

Much of Alfred Gilbert’s work, including Perseus Arming and a model for Anteros, is currently on display at Tate Britain. Even more, thankfully, is on display at street level.


8.5” x 32” skateboard deck with foil-printed graphic on top and raised print on underside.